
Overall I have enjoyed the seminars much more than I thought I would. I have attended a diverse range of topics some of which I thought I would have no interested in but actually found really interesting and learnt a lot from.seminar

The seminars have help to give me extra information on a wide range of areas within biology from current research topics to some job ideas which are available with a biology based degree. The talk which I attended which inspired me the most was from Craig Shuttleworth about red squirrel conservation on Anglesey, this is an area which I was already interested in and completed my dissertation on however the talk identified new areas of research which I had not thought of before and is a topic I would definitely like to take further either from future employment or postgraduate study when I have the funding available. I am now in contact with Craig Shuttleworth and may be able to use this to help in my future career.

The rest of the seminars have really helped to boost my knowledge on topics I previously knew little about and have help me to have a better overall knowledge of biological issues which may also help to make me a better candidate for any job which I may apply for.

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